Seer CEO and Utah Lawmakers Talk AI Legislation

Seer CEO Sunny Washington and several Utah lawmakers talked with Ben Winslow of Fox 13 news about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and potential legislation that would place guardrails around its use.

Sunny Washington, Seer CEO, and Utah Lawmakers Talk to Fox 13 News about AI Legislation

👀 Read the full article on Fox 13 here.

Recently, Seer CEO Sunny Washington and several Utah lawmakers talked with Ben Winslow of Fox 13 news about the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and potential legislation that would place guardrails around its use.

"[AI] really is going to change our world, not in years, but in months," said Sen. Kirk Cullimore, R-Sandy.

The article discusses the efforts of lawmakers in Utah to address the potential risks associated with AI and ensure its responsible use. They aim to strike a balance between fostering technological advancements while protecting individuals' privacy and rights. 

"I do think there should be guardrails but I also think the people making these tools need to be involved in that process," said Sunny Washington. "I think sometimes we get scared because we simply don’t understand the technology."

Article Highlights

  • The proposed legislation would establish an AI regulatory task force, requiring experts to study AI's impact on employment, privacy, bias, and ethics. 
  • Lawmakers emphasize the importance of preparing for the future of AI while preventing any potential misuse or harm. 
  • Ultimately, there are proactive measures lawmakers can take to regulate AI while ensuring its responsible development and deployment in Utah.

On Seer

"One of the things I noted when I came up to the Capitol was just the sheer number of bills being presented each year. I think last year it was over a thousand. And when you think about a 45-day session and how quickly you need to read this, it was really difficult," said Washington.

Seeing this, Sunny helped design our app Seer that uses AI to help everyone cut through the complexity of state legislation. You can join Seer for free today right here.

"Using the power of AI to generate summaries and quick explanations so that the everyday citizen can be involved in the legislative process," explained Washington.

Closing Thoughts from Sunny

"The thing that humans can do that AI can’t is understand a little bit more context, understand the nuance and the relationships and the people behind it. So that still needs to happen, but can we give people back time or open up a window for people to engage? And that way you can use that time to do what humans can do best is relationships."

— Sunny Washington, Seer CEO
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